
The Smithtown Library offers a range of outreach services. We strive to make sure that our services and programs are available to everyone.

Community Relations

The Library attends events of all kinds, from street fairs and block parties to cultural and religious events. At these events, we engage with the community, speak about library services, sign people up for free library cards, and more! If you would like to have The Smithtown Library at your community event, please contact our Community Relations Department at (631) 360-2480 x216.

All Abilities

The Library is continually developing and offering new programs, collections and services for our community members including those with disabilities. Please remember that children and teens with accessibility support needs are encouraged to participate in all teen and children’s library programs. We offer targeted library programs that address the unique needs of those with all abilities. For more information, contact (631) 360-2480 x224.

Homebound Services

Unable to get to the Library? We offer Homebound Services for free. For more details, call the (631) 360-2480 x222.

Senior Services Outreach

The Library offers a variety of free programs and services for Seniors. In addition to lending of materials and reference services, the Library provides outreach services at different locations and nursing home visits.  For more details, call (631) 360-2480 x222.

Teen Librarian Visit

Our Teen Librarians can visit your school, meeting, etc. to discuss research help, getting library cards and more. For more details and to schedule a visit, contact the Teen Librarian at your local building or email at teens@smithlib.org.

Visits & Tours of the Library

The Library offers tours of our buildings for girl scouts troops, boy scout troops, etc. contact the Children's Department in your local building or email at childrens@smithlib.org.

Our staff are available to visit schools and events for storytime, speak about library services, etc. For details or to set-up a visit, contact the Children's Department Outreach Services Librarians by email at childrensoutreach@smithlib.org.